Caribbean yacht charter

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The Caribbean is an extremely vast and diverse region. The most popular destinations are Martinique and the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Other, less popular are Grenada and Belize.


Martinique is the largest base of yachts. From there you can move to the south, on the way visiting the island of St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the beautiful Grenadines. It is a vast area with long distances in the beggining. Same Grenadines are not so scattered. On the Grenadines is already a cult anchorage Tobago Cays. It stays in memory for a long time. The area is not civilized as we know from Europe. There a lot of bays, where you can stand only at anchor or buoy. On land worth to see is what the nature creates (volcanoes and waterfalls) and a man (the botanical gardens, colonial towns, rum distilleries).


Different than the region of Martinique is the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Distances between the islands are much smaller. The islands are heavily fragmented and diverse. Some of the islands are mountainous, as Virgin Gorda with a peak at 408 meters above sea level or completely flat as Anegada, protruding from the sea … 8 meters above sea level. There are landscapes straight from the Seychelles like The Baths (Virgin Gorda Island) and more appropriate to the Caribbean as the floating bar in The Bight (Norman Island).

Area great for leisurely sailing with children.

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